Player Honors

See below for players both retired from Hotshots service as well as those still wearing the badge with pride!

Joe McClemont


Player Manager and Co-Founder of the Hotshots. The only known link to the anonymous Hotshots Tweeter & Web Designer...

Adam Gundy


Co-founder and utility man, Gundy's disciplinary record is in the pan as his love/hate relationship with the Herts6's referee's continues.

Rikki Taylor


After several years out after a self-imposed drug ban, Rikki has established himself as a regular within the side with his chaotic play style. Some say it's still his turn in goal...

Joshua Tossell


Old-school centre forward with a wicked strike and an eye for goal, Josh is usually sporting boots which are worth more than my house.

Harry James


Wiley ball-snatcher and utility player, Harry has struggled with the lure of greener pastures at clubs 'anew. Luckily his loan spell at rival club Bury came to and end and he's back in the green shirt.

John Spring


A returner from yester-year and a top player, Spring has now been forced against his will into the Hotshots Whatsapp group.

Chris May


A nippy defender with a strong tackle, you can always rely on MayZ to push the limits and frustrate the oppo. As if to stave-off retirement, MayZ is currently averaging 1 game a season.

Ryan Ansell


Cricketer turned solid shot-stopper. Almost becoming a meme at this point, Ryan struggles to keep his legs closed between the sticks.

Jack Knowles


A rugby player desperate for some sport, Jack's been invaluable in recent seasons to keep the goals coming.

Stephen Humphries


A godsend in our worst season to date, Humps was kept extremely busy between the sticks. Still on-call, we're hoping for a return soon.

Jamie Bisley


New to the area and looking for a team, Jamie was snapped up in desperate times. Despite major losses in his first season for the club, Jamie stuck it out and is now reaping the rewards banging in goals regularly.

Jamie Foskett


Strong with a decent tackle, Foskett has finally been persuaded to play for the Hotshots and has recently been a regular in the side.

David Kiddie


Reliable and always willing to help out when short, Kiddie has saved the club from disaster countless times.

Shaun White


A player with the Hotshots in its infancy, Shaun's a strong all-round midfielder who is currently on loan in Canada.

James Fox


The self-appointed Quarterback of the side, James was a rock at the back who never strayed out of position. Unfortunately he moved away, but keeps up with Hotshots progress daily in the hope of returning one day...

Jack Gardiner


Solid all-rounder with a good attitude. Although lurking in the WhatsApp group, Skully hasn't been seen for a long time...

Liam Deer


Accomplished all-round, Liam hasn't been seen since he attained a 2.0+ goal ratio. Obviously just doesn't want to spoil it.

Matt Gough


Shaky one minute, inspired the next - One week Matt was there, the next he was gone never to be seen again!

Freddie Doe


Great shot-stopper who used to struggle with the confines of his area.

Joe James


Super-strong but injury prone defender, Joe has struggled to commit to being a full-time Hotshots player. He's always on the list if we need him in future.

Ryan Nancarrow


Slow-paced but accomplished on the ball, Ryan is currently off the grid and his wherabouts unknown.

Aaron Whitnall


Plagued by injury, Aaron dropped out of Hotshots service after a prolonged leg injury. Last seen stroking a tiger behind the ear.

David Sands


"Big Dave" stood in during the brutal LeisureLeagues season at Stevenage and decided he'd had enough soon after.

Tyler Whitnall


A great all-rounder, like Aaron, Tyler was never seen again after the Hotshots' first full season.

Kane Halsall


Fast and unpredictable, Kane moved away and was unable to continue his Hotshots service.

Greg Clarke


Compact and nippy little midfielder who only graces the Hotshots with his appearance when he's in town.

Ben Taylor


Keeper turned-striker Len surprised many with his skill on-pitch, before leaving the Hotshots in their first season.

Cameron Whitnall


Along with his bigger brothers, played his last game for the Hotshots in their first season.

Paul Gundy


A one-game wonder, Paul burst on to the scene with a top performance in goal after a last-minute call up.

Ben Thomas


Played surprisingly well and enjoyed his only performance for the club almost bagging a couple of goals, despite turning up in plimsolls!

Ed Babuniak


Another one-game wonder giving us a good performance in our time of need.

Glen Bridges


A classic defensive mid, Glen retired after the 1st game of the S'2016 season. Has since returned for a cameo appearance or 2.

Jamie Monk


Once the WhatsApp lurker of the team, the whereabouts of Jamie are now unknown. Probably on a run somewhere...

Jamie Monk


The Hotshots are still holding on to the hope that super-fit WhatsApp lurker Jamie will return to the side at some point soon...